6 Oct 2010

Why London? Why Graphic Design? The first week in FdA Communication Graphic Design.

   I have a boring name named Minna. I used to think I have a wonderful and unique name than others. But as I grown up I have found out my name is as boring as my life...I don't look beautiful or ugly...I am not like that fat or skinny...I look so normal that you usually can't see me in the crowd.

   The first day of the FdA Communication Graphic Design class asked, "The most interest thing about yourself"....I thought for half an hour...and didn't know what to wrtie...in the end, I wrote "I eat fish head." What da hell is that? Well...I am just like that normal...

   Maybe a lot people think, you should create a blog to show how good you are in the industry...but this blog, this trip and this study in England....for me...I would like to find myself...why am I so normal? Why is there no soul in my graphic? Can I be as abnormal as others? Can I create some sparkles with London? I want to be different. I want my graphic to feel "WOW". I want the changes. So far until now, I believe FdA Communication Graphic Design Course can change my mind and find my soul. So here welcome to "finding minnami's" blog...I am a Graphic Designer because I love visual...

   So here is my first journey to FdA Communication Graphic Design Course. Seem the classmates and teachers are all very nice and welling to share their experience and thought.

   A picture to show our activity during the class. We are learning how to write a blog for the LAYPERSON language and EXPERT writing. Very interesting. This is new for me. One point for Minna!
   And our school is so cool that we have PRINTING WORKSHOP in school which I will definitely spend a lot of my time there in my future study. I am just too excited. Second point for Minna.

   Moreover, LCC (London College of Communication) also have the Photography Workshop with the studio, dark room and computer room etc in it. In conclusion, please look forward to what Minna have create the sparkle graphic design with the soul in LCC, London.

  In the end, thank you for your reading. To be continue...

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